Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Internet is down at mi casa until at least Thursday. I will post pics of our yard and the tree that was dismembered soonish. :)
Found a kewl new site that Linz showed me called befunky.

Me likey...

Friday, March 20, 2009


... is awesome! This tea is the greastest tasting tea I have ever had... no milk or sugar required... yes, it is that good.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Will loves her Phil

What are the chances that TWO american bulldogs with the BEST personalities would live on the same block?
check it... my new(ish) bike. loves it!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I have a lack of friends that wear my size, so when it comes to sharing clothes I pretty much have to raid my mother-in-laws closet. Today while browsing at Kohl's I came across this lovely dress that seemed to fit me perfectly. Yay. Now I have more than one dress for Vegas and the two weddings we are attending this year. I suppose I could make my own dress like I have always wanted to, but if you can find me the time I would be grateful.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Well today I feel like a lucky girl! Not only is it St.Patrick's day, but we got our tax return in the mail today. Yay!! Talk about the luck of the irish...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cruisin in 2009!!!

some pictures of our cruise to the western caribbean...

Oh no she didn't!

Oh yes she did!!

welcome to salinas where people support strippers, yet we have no strip joints here, weird... or at least i do not know of any. say it with me...
Some of our kitchen art that my mom and I made is finally able to show itself off!




Global Food Crisis Day...

...was yesterday. I donated $13.00 to help feed a child for one month! Wanna donate? Click here.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The List

... for the house is always on my mind. Recently I have started painting with my sis-in-law. I have a few ideas that I think will really help spruce up our walls. I am so cheap when it comes to buying art for my walls. I would rather spend the money on supplies to help me create my personal wall art. I will post the final first art project when done. My first painting is so not what I had in mind, but I think it still looks cool, for a 25 year old that is.
I received an email from Purex inviting me to create a green tote. You can check out my cool design here. Just roll your mouse over the 'it is EASY being GREEN, team green' tote and you will see my name.