How far along? 14 weeks today
Total weight gain: 7-8 pounds (ish), and it has been that way for several weeks (knock on wood).
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but soon, very soon.
Sleep: Not so bad the past couple of nights. No midnight and/or early a.m. runs to bathroom to pee lately.
Best moment this week? Getting my maternity jeans in the mail, so when I do need to wear them they are waiting for me. Thank you ebay.
Gender: I have this feeling itsaboy. Six more weeks and we will know.
Labor signs: Neg.
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss: Being able to drink with friends when we all go out.
What I'm looking forward to: Brielle's baby shower this Sunday Funday.
Milestones: Officially in 2nd trimester! And my energy has returned, thank goodness!!