Thursday, January 7, 2010

Well hello third trimester, how I have been looking forward to your presence!
I am still in shock that there is only 89 days until Colton is here. I feel like a very lucky gal with my pregnancy so far. First trimester I suffered from, well, bloating and lack of energy... no morning sickness at all. I did not even think I was pregnant to tell you the truth. Oh and I was and still am hungry all the time, but what else is new eh? Second trimester all energy returned and I reluctantly started to wear maternity clothes. Yes, I still hate maternity clothes, call me crazy, but it is what it is. Towards the end of second tri rib PAIN is more common, in fact every hour on the hour to be more exact. My back hurts, but other than that I am feeling really good. I get kicked constantly, and love it. I went to a yoga class offered by Monica at Green-Belly. Rumor has it yoga is a really good way to prep for labor and help your body 'bounce' back after birth. All I know is I felt really refreshed and relaxed once I left her class. Awesome.


Team Hayes said...

Third trimester! Woo hoo! I think now it's about time to change your 'about me' description on your blog, unless of course you are planning on Colton coming out covered in fur! :)

Michelle | said...

That's great! I really feel Colton will come out as a really good kid!