Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some exciting news on my educational dreams I am currently reaching for. Instead of graduating late Jan 2010, I can graduate this year mid Nov! Holy cow, I am sooo excited.

Graduating 2 1/2 mos ahead of schedule
Not have to reapply for financial aid (it ends in Nov.)
Saving roughly $1200.00 - $1500.00
Did I mention GRADUATING EARLY!?!?!

Taking two community college classes condensed into 5 weeks over summer
While still taking my regular classes (yes, that will be 12 units total crammed in my already busy busy summer)
I will not have my nights at all, I will not have my sanity.

As you can see the Pros out way the Cons, at least I think so. I am just waiting to hear back from my counselor tomorrow, and hopefully he will agree with me that this is a good way to finish early.


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