Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
20 weeks and 140 days to go!
I find myself at the half way point of my pregnacy with complete happiness and slight anxiety. Happiness for the fact I am at the half way point, and anxiety because we still have so much to do the house and I still have to finish school.
So far second trimester has been a breeze (knock on wood), and next week I find out if we are having a boy or girl. I have this feelingitsaboy, but you never know!
I hate maternity clothes, seriously. I am totally in that 'in between stage' of "is she pregnant or fat", sigh, not fun. I have yet to have a stranger ask if I am pregnant, so I am assuming people think I have gain a little extra in the mid-section for no reason. In true honesty, I do not think I look pregnant either.
Last Saturday was a dance party in my uterus, not sure if you got the invite, but the baby was having a blast!

So far second trimester has been a breeze (knock on wood), and next week I find out if we are having a boy or girl. I have this feelingitsaboy, but you never know!
I hate maternity clothes, seriously. I am totally in that 'in between stage' of "is she pregnant or fat", sigh, not fun. I have yet to have a stranger ask if I am pregnant, so I am assuming people think I have gain a little extra in the mid-section for no reason. In true honesty, I do not think I look pregnant either.
Last Saturday was a dance party in my uterus, not sure if you got the invite, but the baby was having a blast!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
16wks and 26 today
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
15 weeks...
...also know as 175 days left until Baby B is set to arrive. Ack!
Madre painted an old dresser for the babes room, and I LOVE it!! I will post a pick of the dresser once find the energy to load my camera on the computer. Other than that not too much to report on the pregnancy. I go in for my 16 week appointment next week and from there we are to set up the 'big' ultrasound appointment at 20 weeks. yay!
Madre painted an old dresser for the babes room, and I LOVE it!! I will post a pick of the dresser once find the energy to load my camera on the computer. Other than that not too much to report on the pregnancy. I go in for my 16 week appointment next week and from there we are to set up the 'big' ultrasound appointment at 20 weeks. yay!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
14 weeks

How far along? 14 weeks today
Total weight gain: 7-8 pounds (ish), and it has been that way for several weeks (knock on wood).
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but soon, very soon.
Sleep: Not so bad the past couple of nights. No midnight and/or early a.m. runs to bathroom to pee lately.
Best moment this week? Getting my maternity jeans in the mail, so when I do need to wear them they are waiting for me. Thank you ebay.
Gender: I have this feeling itsaboy. Six more weeks and we will know.
Labor signs: Neg.
Belly button in or out? In.
What I miss: Being able to drink with friends when we all go out.
What I'm looking forward to: Brielle's baby shower this Sunday Funday.
Milestones: Officially in 2nd trimester! And my energy has returned, thank goodness!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Baby B
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Long story short. My mom and I headed out for some breakfast burritos and came back with a whole lot of NEAT stuff from an awesome garage sale in town. We got a paddle (for when we go up shiit creek), a cool stool, vintage light fixture, vintage game with all parts, candle holders, another stool for outside, a spool holder and wheel barrel (or something like it). And the best part is we got everything for $35!!

Cubby likes "his" new stool.

Cubby likes "his" new stool.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Some exciting news on my educational dreams I am currently reaching for. Instead of graduating late Jan 2010, I can graduate this year mid Nov! Holy cow, I am sooo excited.
Graduating 2 1/2 mos ahead of schedule
Not have to reapply for financial aid (it ends in Nov.)
Saving roughly $1200.00 - $1500.00
Did I mention GRADUATING EARLY!?!?!
Taking two community college classes condensed into 5 weeks over summer
While still taking my regular classes (yes, that will be 12 units total crammed in my already busy busy summer)
I will not have my nights at all, I will not have my sanity.
As you can see the Pros out way the Cons, at least I think so. I am just waiting to hear back from my counselor tomorrow, and hopefully he will agree with me that this is a good way to finish early.
Graduating 2 1/2 mos ahead of schedule
Not have to reapply for financial aid (it ends in Nov.)
Saving roughly $1200.00 - $1500.00
Did I mention GRADUATING EARLY!?!?!
Taking two community college classes condensed into 5 weeks over summer
While still taking my regular classes (yes, that will be 12 units total crammed in my already busy busy summer)
I will not have my nights at all, I will not have my sanity.
As you can see the Pros out way the Cons, at least I think so. I am just waiting to hear back from my counselor tomorrow, and hopefully he will agree with me that this is a good way to finish early.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Salinas Art Walk
is held the first friday of every month. not to be negative about the art walk, but honestly there is not much to write about other than my AWESOME SIL Linz. apparently artists and bands are suppose to come out and present their art to the public... well linz seem to be only artist out and about that evening. linz did her thing and rocked at it. i just wish that salinas would let the general public know what is going so everyone can join in on the fun. Here is just some of her art ... im telling ya the girl has talent!
salinas - 0
linz - 1

salinas - 0
linz - 1

Big Sur Mud Run 2009
Well this post is a little late, I lag.
D and I did the Big Sur Mud Run this year, and yes we had a blast! To be honest I stopped my 'training' for the five mile event about three weeks prior to the run, because of sheer desire to relax after work and not run. I did struggle to keep up with D at times, but otherwise he was a great partner to run with. He is so great at keeping the mood uplifting when running through the mud. :) I painted shirts for us to wear, I thought they came out okay. For some of you that don't know... I lack the creative touch that my sis-in-law has, and for some crazy reason I always compare my ish to her ish. whateva. The pit you see in the pics below is last and big obstacle we had to tackle. Thankfully showers were available, but still could not wait to get home and get all that mud off. Here are some pics of our MUDDY day.

D and I did the Big Sur Mud Run this year, and yes we had a blast! To be honest I stopped my 'training' for the five mile event about three weeks prior to the run, because of sheer desire to relax after work and not run. I did struggle to keep up with D at times, but otherwise he was a great partner to run with. He is so great at keeping the mood uplifting when running through the mud. :) I painted shirts for us to wear, I thought they came out okay. For some of you that don't know... I lack the creative touch that my sis-in-law has, and for some crazy reason I always compare my ish to her ish. whateva. The pit you see in the pics below is last and big obstacle we had to tackle. Thankfully showers were available, but still could not wait to get home and get all that mud off. Here are some pics of our MUDDY day.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Will loves her Phil
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I have a lack of friends that wear my size, so when it comes to sharing clothes I pretty much have to raid my mother-in-laws closet. Today while browsing at Kohl's I came across this lovely dress that seemed to fit me perfectly. Yay. Now I have more than one dress for Vegas and the two weddings we are attending this year. I suppose I could make my own dress like I have always wanted to, but if you can find me the time I would be grateful.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Global Food Crisis Day...
...was yesterday. I donated $13.00 to help feed a child for one month! Wanna donate? Click here.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The List
... for the house is always on my mind. Recently I have started painting with my sis-in-law. I have a few ideas that I think will really help spruce up our walls. I am so cheap when it comes to buying art for my walls. I would rather spend the money on supplies to help me create my personal wall art. I will post the final first art project when done. My first painting is so not what I had in mind, but I think it still looks cool, for a 25 year old that is.
I received an email from Purex inviting me to create a green tote. You can check out my cool design here. Just roll your mouse over the 'it is EASY being GREEN, team green' tote and you will see my name.
Friday, February 13, 2009
We have so many things we need to get done, and hopefully we can get the done in 2009...
This is a list I composed for the sheer purpose for me to see in writing. I may have left out a few things, but as I remember them I will add them. I will also be posting updates as each one is completed.
in no particular order...
2009 List of ish for the roof that covers our heads at night.
1. Sand and Paint all doors
2. Hang all doors
3. Finish and paint the foot boards through out the house
4. Either replace broken window in kitchen or put in the freaking french door already. Geez.
5. Paint bathroom and kitchen windows
6. Paint all the outside window trim white. It will make our house pop.
7. Landscape the back yard (sprinklers, garden, bunnies... oh ya, and grass!)
8. Put up the 'roof' in the garage that Daniel is obsessed with
9. Get a picnic table for the outside patio with an outdoor rug
10. Some how say good-bye to neighbors messy tree
11. Clean up the house so it is perfectly organized and neat and clean... room by room of course... may need madre's help for that one.
12. Decorate the bare walls that haunt our home
13. Put the fan in the bathroom ... er Dan
14. Get a new screen door
15. Fix the side fence that likes to fall on me
16. Get the thingys for the window treatment in the spare bedroom
17. Finish the front door ... unless that is Dan likes having a pink front door. I really do not mind, do you?
This is a list I composed for the sheer purpose for me to see in writing. I may have left out a few things, but as I remember them I will add them. I will also be posting updates as each one is completed.
in no particular order...
2009 List of ish for the roof that covers our heads at night.
1. Sand and Paint all doors
2. Hang all doors
3. Finish and paint the foot boards through out the house
4. Either replace broken window in kitchen or put in the freaking french door already. Geez.
5. Paint bathroom and kitchen windows
6. Paint all the outside window trim white. It will make our house pop.
7. Landscape the back yard (sprinklers, garden, bunnies... oh ya, and grass!)
8. Put up the 'roof' in the garage that Daniel is obsessed with
9. Get a picnic table for the outside patio with an outdoor rug
10. Some how say good-bye to neighbors messy tree
11. Clean up the house so it is perfectly organized and neat and clean... room by room of course... may need madre's help for that one.
12. Decorate the bare walls that haunt our home
13. Put the fan in the bathroom ... er Dan
14. Get a new screen door
15. Fix the side fence that likes to fall on me
16. Get the thingys for the window treatment in the spare bedroom
17. Finish the front door ... unless that is Dan likes having a pink front door. I really do not mind, do you?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Holiday Recap
Wow, it has been a long time since I have posted anything!
Christmas was crazy busy, and I got everything I asked for and more(except for the earrings that are being delivered today, :) ). I am soooo over bickering where to spend and who to spend the holidays with. Hopefully this year will not be as bad, however, I am really itching to spend it down in SLO at my Aunt's house. Christmas will fall on Friday, so I think it would be perfect to stay the weekend there or something... I love SLO, just not the drive getting there and back.
I got a two week winter break from school, so that means I am back at it again with homework and ish. Ugh. Thank goodness I am only taking one class this term. Environmental Science is hard, and my final is even harder. I have so much work to complete before we leave on the cruise January 30th. Fourteen assignments total, including two PowerPoint essays. OMG, it is stressful just thinking about it, but I know I will do fine. I always do.
Cruise, cruise, cruise.
Did I mention the cruise? I am getting more excited/nervous the closer our trip approaches. I have tons of packing and cleaning to do before we leave. However that does not stress me out as much as I thought it would. Probably because I am more worried about my homework getting done before I leave.
How did I almost forget to mention this??? I watched the movie early December and was hooked! I then bought the book, and was even more hooked. I have since read New Moon, and I am re-reading Twilight. I then dragged Daniel with me to see the movie again, poor guy but he did say that it is a good movie so he truly did not mind as much as I thought he would. I am saving the 3rd and 4th books (Eclipse and Breaking Dawn) for the cruise. I want to read them really really bad, but I have to focus and environmental science first. Boo-hoo. Priorities are not always my friend.
Christmas was crazy busy, and I got everything I asked for and more(except for the earrings that are being delivered today, :) ). I am soooo over bickering where to spend and who to spend the holidays with. Hopefully this year will not be as bad, however, I am really itching to spend it down in SLO at my Aunt's house. Christmas will fall on Friday, so I think it would be perfect to stay the weekend there or something... I love SLO, just not the drive getting there and back.
I got a two week winter break from school, so that means I am back at it again with homework and ish. Ugh. Thank goodness I am only taking one class this term. Environmental Science is hard, and my final is even harder. I have so much work to complete before we leave on the cruise January 30th. Fourteen assignments total, including two PowerPoint essays. OMG, it is stressful just thinking about it, but I know I will do fine. I always do.
Cruise, cruise, cruise.
Did I mention the cruise? I am getting more excited/nervous the closer our trip approaches. I have tons of packing and cleaning to do before we leave. However that does not stress me out as much as I thought it would. Probably because I am more worried about my homework getting done before I leave.
How did I almost forget to mention this??? I watched the movie early December and was hooked! I then bought the book, and was even more hooked. I have since read New Moon, and I am re-reading Twilight. I then dragged Daniel with me to see the movie again, poor guy but he did say that it is a good movie so he truly did not mind as much as I thought he would. I am saving the 3rd and 4th books (Eclipse and Breaking Dawn) for the cruise. I want to read them really really bad, but I have to focus and environmental science first. Boo-hoo. Priorities are not always my friend.
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